Bilanc Supermarket offers all functionalities of Bilanc Ekspres or Standard and a specific module for POS (Point Of Sale) which is optimal for:
- Markets / SuperMarkets
- Point Of Sales (Retails or Wholesale)
- Appropriate for any business that trades a large number of products (spare parts, electric & electronics, stationary etc.)
Bilanc Supermarket is a complete product which monitors the daily activities of a supermarket as:
- Invoice Printing
- Cash management
- Cashier shift-closing
- Registers and analyzes of supplies
- Live inventory management
- Suggests the items that should be supplied
- Shelves capacity management – system suggests missing items
- Client membership card support (optional)
- Integrates with scale / bar code scanner / pole display / card readers etc (using JPOS)
- Generates barcodes for items that do not have one
- Several useful views of the sales statistics
- Graphic analysis for business performance
- 99.99% uptime – the most reliable POS package in the market
- Very fast sales registration – low human interaction required
- Saves time to the manager and avoids potential human errors
- Enables efficient management of human resource
- Decision making support for item prices determination (based on the statistics offered by the system)
- Automatic update of GL for daily transactions
- Automatic purchase orders generation
- Increases quality of service